178 / 42
19th May 2020
19th May 2020
No Description provided.
young cute anime davidp unpause lady lollipop beautiful girl candy


  • Plasmey_401k
    23rd May 2020
    I'd say a good percent of saves on FP have comment sections no longer discussing the actual save. I'm too lazy to check, but of these 7 pages, I'm guessing 6 and a half of them are not about the actual save. We've killed the comments. This is no longer a space to talk about the actual save or provide advice or constructive criticism, this is some weird debate club meeting.
  • R33sesK1ng
    23rd May 2020
    Telling me how FP is supposed to work in the way you did is simply just to epxlain how it works on paper, not how it FULLY works in reality. One would HAVE to take into account motive for making things not just making things, but why the thing was voted onto FP anyways. The smart aleck reason would be "well, obviously it's because a bunch of people wanted there..." Yeah, no sht. But the comment section is often used for people to explain why they've voted it on.
  • R33sesK1ng
    23rd May 2020
    Not everybody HAS to make really "good" stuff all the time, but chalking down FP to "well, people just voted, therefore FP" would defeat the purpose of having a front page. Obviously everbody knows what the base purpose of a Front Page is -- to showcase what's popular among the general community (that should really go without saying!) The problem is that there will always be complications when taking into account how things REALLY work in real life.
  • R33sesK1ng
    23rd May 2020
    The FP has always reflected that people in this community are capable of making really cool things MUCH more often than it reflects anything else, hence why it would make sense that people become inspired to try and make cool things as well, REGARDLESS of ulterior motivation. There would be nothing wrong with making it more clear that FP would further reflect this; it would be entirely up to the COMMUNITY, not some extra rule written in stone.
  • R33sesK1ng
    23rd May 2020
    It teaches you things about practical physics, and on top of that it's fun to figure out the mechanics of the game to make cool things. That's essentially all I mean by what makes this game unique. You have the ability to get better at some things or learn a few things about them. No, this game doesn't teach you a whole lot, but the way the game handles a community is VERY unique. You don't really see this stuff in other game communities.
  • R33sesK1ng
    23rd May 2020
    Hmmm. I disagree... In this community, we should not conflate those who just wanna see cool stuff with those who wanna MAKE cool stuff. This game and its community isn't some course on teaching someone physics, obviously. This does not mean you cannot learn anything from it. I've seen, first hand, many people go from mediocre at art, electronics, to much better at those things. This game can teach you a few things, even if you're a casual player, about how the world works.
  • Myth_Axlotl
    23rd May 2020
    But art was always on the FP... You can see even now!
  • Myth_Axlotl
    23rd May 2020
    Okay. Thanks!
  • NoobieMcNoobie
    23rd May 2020
    some person said this shouldnt be fp because its art and tpt was made for learning and basically there was a comment war. thats all you need to know
  • Myth_Axlotl
    23rd May 2020
    Wait. Can someone say what happened here in a nutshell?