178 / 42
19th May 2020
19th May 2020
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young cute anime davidp unpause lady lollipop beautiful girl candy


  • R33sesK1ng
    22nd May 2020
    but ye
  • R33sesK1ng
    22nd May 2020
    To suggest that the community will change over time into... what?... something akin to Deviantart?... is to say that fact that the game is a physics simulator and that the devs have a say in the rules of which saves are posted or somehow extraneous to the mere concept of change. The flow of the things we experience on a day to day is extremely complicated. As such, it does not change that which is logical, nor our necessary perspectives of logic.
  • Plasmey_401k
    22nd May 2020
    Yeah, sorry. That was a bit of a tangent.
  • R33sesK1ng
    22nd May 2020
    Plasmey_401k, Speaking of the issue of the nature of that which is temporary, TPT is a video game from the Internet. What about it WOULDN'T be temporary? Our arguments aren't steeped in the fear of change. They are, in fact, logical in that we want balance. We are saying that in the current state of things, it is vital for the community to express creativity in a more healthy manner. The "balance" of which I speak is one of the ways in which we can express this creativity.
  • R33sesK1ng
    22nd May 2020
    @VIP84, I'm not discrediting those who just make art. Art is a great form of expression which would be good for the community if it were included in TPT. So, do whatever you want. That is, go ahead and make art if that's what you wanna do. If TPT is formatted such that you can create stuff with interesting depth, nothing about that says that art is not permissible. The issue we are pointing out is merely one of saturation and balance.
  • VIP84
    22nd May 2020
    I'm personally not willing to switch to those other things anytime soon (and/or probably ever, because my time here has almost come to an end) , like I said, I will continue what I've been doing
  • VIP84
    22nd May 2020
    @R33sesK1ng, exactly. But my point is that some people simply cannot do anything other than deco art here, so they prefer to continue doing that, since there are actually people who admire their work
  • Plasmey_401k
    22nd May 2020
    But how many comments are too many comments? Should there be a limit to the amount of discourse between members of a community? When we no longer are on this Earth, the only thing we leave as our legacy is our words. But! Memories last only as long as there are people to remember us. Maybe comments are useless. Maybe we are useless.
  • Dinco
    22nd May 2020
    to mani comments
  • Plasmey_401k
    22nd May 2020
    The flow of time carves canyons into what we cherish, but what are viewed as deep wounds can be seen as beautiful, natural marks on our world. No one wants the things that they enjoy or the communities they frequent to be different from their once-beloved safe havens, but no person nor object can withstand the ever flowing, ever destroying cruel winds of change.