178 / 42
19th May 2020
19th May 2020
No Description provided.
young cute anime davidp unpause lady lollipop beautiful girl candy


  • R33sesK1ng
    22nd May 2020
    Technically, making Deco-only art is a misuse of it's original design, which is what would make most people assume that that's what made the devs make the rule against art. But I (intentionally) digress, you can make art, but there should be a balance to be struck between recognizing this game as a physics simulator and being able to make whatever you want. We're simply concerned with posting too much art (and memes).
  • R33sesK1ng
    22nd May 2020
    It was closer to an accident that people started making Deco-only art. Not saying that people discovered that you could make art like cavemen dsicovered fire, but it's not like Deco wasn't purposeless. Yeah, that right! It was meant to color in some stuff that you make so it doesn't look ugly and actually would look more interesting. That was essentially it's intended purpose, you know? It actually had (and still has) utility.
  • R33sesK1ng
    22nd May 2020
    That is, if there are more people coming here with the mind set of "it's okay, I'm just learning and getting better, then I'll move on from posting all this art to somewhere else" it COULD teach people that this isn't as much a platform for making what this game was initially intended for as much as it is one for posting all of their art. On a side note, I'd like to add that the initial intention of the game was for a lot of things EXCEPT for art.
  • R33sesK1ng
    21st May 2020
    ... just to see what it is like to work in a 32-bit game like this for a learning experience, for a challenge, or to further hone your skills. It's all fine; we're not making the case against it! With that said, we should definitely keep in mind that simply being allowed to post art (and memes) here doesn't actually keep more and more people from posting too much.
  • R33sesK1ng
    21st May 2020
    On top of that, it seems this guy works in brush strokes rather than in pixels. But I digress; it is still okay to make art. We are, in fact, not even making the case that art shouldn't generally be allowed on TPT. You can even come here to make art -- and you don't even have to post it since you can make offline saves (not to say that you shouldn't be allowed to post it; you can post whatever you want, as long as they obviously follow the set guidelines for it) -- ...
  • R33sesK1ng
    21st May 2020
    This person has seems to have so much skill, in fact, that it would seem quite reasonable for them to use different software to create the art and a different platform or site on which to post and/or share. Now, art is definitely allowed here, and people are allowed to use the Deco Tools to make art, but there art certainly more limits to using TPT than other programs for further refining ones art skills -- especially when it comes to this type of art.
  • R33sesK1ng
    21st May 2020
    There is an interesting fact about his analogy to the TPT FP and Deviantart. This type of art ('anime-esque' stylized art) is the type of art you would definitely find on sites such as Deviantart. The difference between this and other types of art can be measured in several ways, as well. For example, this seems to be extremely stylized with a lack of Deco Tool use, and the amount of skill used to draw this piece of art seems quite honed and specific.
  • R33sesK1ng
    21st May 2020
    @VIP84, His point was that it seems like there might be more and more art than there should be on the TPT front page in the future, replacing the purpose of the game with something that it was intended to be to begin with. That is, it should remain a physics simulator which would be meant to be used to make stuff that you see here that isn't art and memes.
  • VIP84
    21st May 2020
    @SecretNinja59 I'm soon gonna have no free time because of work and university and some other things
  • VIP84
    21st May 2020
    also yea, tpt is mainly for simulating stuff and definitely not for art, but if people do actually like art here, then I just see no point in these arguments