6 / 3
20th May 2020
6th Jun 2023
Place a stamped laser/nuke in the ENERGY WALL box on the left. Load the BVBR into the other box and turn on the nuke/laser. If the EXOT doesn't explode right away, SPRK the titanium at the bottom to flood with electrons. Then, you've got WARP!
warp generator laser bvbr bomb nuke exot


  • Supercrafter
    24th Jun 2020
    I made deadly lazer just for this.
  • DrYeet2704
    26th May 2020
    Just note this: this is my first real try with deco, so it's not perfect. If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment! I want to make this the best I can, as with any of my saves, so tell me.
  • DrYeet2704
    21st May 2020
    This is my version of a WARP generator. It relies on a powerful laser to use, but the user must provide their own laser. Enjoy!