31st May 2020
10th Jun 2020
Credit to AVI_ for the map -- Current wars: Red vs green and yellow. Closed until further notice.
can i get another military base at the top right of my lannd
Ill spread across the coasts
and can I be pink please ?
to expend me
and i want to expend to the coast
okay, i want to start at minilia
@Njick: Since neither of you have any millitary bases, it's going to be a fight with almost no action. Your forces are stationed directly outside the capital, ready to attack once you build a base somewhere in the territory you own on this map.
May I start at x:258 y:68 with the color black, thanks.
I declare war on Yellow and I want to start to invade them from the south. As well as go more west on the bottom island.
As well as take the east side of that small island at the bottom cornor of the map.