A new group I have made (VN kinda died and got too hard to run) This group is about making great technology in TPT!
Hmmm, I like it! Mabye try to find a way to compress the sing woth gravity? BTW there are no rules against unbreakables (DMND, WALL, CLNE ...etc) but I do prefer it if you can keep them limited. :D
id:2555115 new reactor concept
JustAPlayer: haha, I wasn't even active at all
srry for not being active yesterday, we had a power outage that lasted the whole day :/
@Papirka , i making one 8 instruction computer
i made a GOL-like thing while experimenting with binary counters: id:2554579
we ARE making advanced things here...
@paprikaprime shut up
such groups always fail and beside that I dont see anyone creating computers here or something advanced
Yes I have lol.