A new group I have made (VN kinda died and got too hard to run) This group is about making great technology in TPT!
id;2553618 here is my first attempt at piston stuff
i can make pretty good CRAY+FRAY guns too, i am pretty good at bombs too, i can make timed bombs using DLAY
JustAPlayer: Sure, I will add you to it!
ayyy can i join? to demonstrate my skills you can check out my useful electronics save.
LaserCannonX: There is a way to do that without walls. Get a pipe and STOR set the ctype of the STOR to the element you want and put it on top of the PIPE. Otherwhise, yes its a good start :D!
lol epic
sorry i was using speech to text and my cat bit me XD
no bite no bite bad.
:D . . . . . .
hell, yea i have been on pc for ages.