copy that link and paste it in your web browser, it's a very good tutorial for electronics. make sure to READ IT ALL! come on, it isn't that long. after you read it, you will be almost like me!
then, check out
i dont know almost anything in electronics
that is actually the tutorial i learned how to make adders from, i first copied gates from other people but i then made my own gates
id:2550092 this is the adder tutorial INFINITY-BOI made for me, you can just take gates from other people and then connect them with INST like in that tutorial. also, you need to connect an OR gate to the last two half adder outputs
i said that any kind of memory can be used as RAM too, and the coolest electronic thing i can make is a correctly working ripple carry adder, it adds decimal numbers and gives out their sum as a binary numbers, there are other types of adders such as Kogge-stone adders, but i can only explain the ripple carry ones to you: ripple carry adders are made out of 2 half adders. to make a half adder you need a XOR and an AND gate.
haha..............uh whaty you said
bruh memory is ram, and the coolest electronic thing i can make is a correctly working ripple carry adder