This is the smallest computer in TPT. Its made in a modular/scalable way. Name might change in future. ~5 lines of 0xMin1 -> 1 line of assembly. It has: 6 commands, 2 8bit pointers, 1 register.
latest version (not on this save) has no 1 frame delay for the jump command and 9 bit relative address (8 bits and a +/- bit)
ane please don't rage.
even smaller than that wwld only! id:2567123
How do you make this!!!??? +1 this is so cool
I've added some stats for my computer but it isn't very good
I am actually: My original idea for this computer was that it would be the first of many parts like GPU, GPU compiler, data moving etc... each with there own, memory and programming language. The 0xMin1 was just suppost to be usable on it's own and general perpous.
@JustAPlayer:1.Thats the R2 at the moment.
@LBPHacker I might try to add somthing like that in the future. I'll make a some basic stats now.
lol why does everyone (encluding me) write realy long comments.
what about ignoring size and just trying to make a subframe computer that is as powerful as possible (and turing-complete, of course) without caring about size. racon should try doing that with his next computer, i'm excited to see its features