10 / 2
15th Aug 2020
25th Aug 2024
Such a long name. This basically uses some fuel to ignite LOXY and HYGN made from DSTW that is made from WTRV that is produced by heating water or from combusting oxygen and hydrogen. Just keep refueling water tank with regular water (WATR)
power powerplant water runsonwater refuelit justapowerplant


  • CCl2F2
    29th Aug 2020
    Update 29.08.20: Has PTCT/NTCT cooler instead of CONV(ICE) one. It's just better because that ICE in cooler could freeze WTRV, blocking entire HYGN + OXYG/LOXY production. This one can't freeze, but it always want go to 22C temperature, so it can make DSTW from WTRV, but can't make ice. And I added small BRMT tank below electrolyser.