("N^2" Non Nuclear) 5 Layer firework explosive filler with thin explosive shell. Use spark to detonate. As the whole bomb is made of explosive material it leaves no debris behind of itself, only destruction. (Produced by GEF)
it is ez when u use bcln
id : 2595931
i already made that:)
@kerponaut aww darn. It is sad that Einstein's "Energy stored in chocolate bar is square of (chocolate bar's mass X speed of light)." equation don't work in tpt (btw energy stored inside certain mass decreases drastically in tpt, since tpt's "lightspeed" is few meters per second)
i am too lazy to make layered builds xD
My bomb has 1/3 less explosives but is 5 times denser and more compact.
@Beatless123 They both use fireworks as explosives but that about where the similarities end.
i have similar bombs, for example ID:1771792
Well i obviusly meant in powder toy. Not in real life. In powder toy it leaves nothing behind.
Actually, total mass of bomb is not even close at decreasing. Almost all the mass is blown away in form of plasma and gas. Only fraction of mass (0.00000001, real percentage) is converted into energy. so there are still tons of remnant from bom- *gets hit by 10kg watermelon*