52 / 25
19th Nov 2020
19th Nov 2020
Bob likes space, Bob gets thirsty. Science followed.
spikeviper bobs h2opowered watr hydrogen oxygen vooperian youtuber pressdoublebar hailvooopiria


  • Mikibigi9172
    22nd Nov 2020
    you know you can use deco
  • JonaHungary
    22nd Nov 2020
    its good. idea: use CONV(co2) for the human and it converts the oxygen into co2
  • jacob1
    22nd Nov 2020
    fyi regarding the glass breaking, that's a bug in the game. We've made some fixes to it, but I know in certain other situations it still happens. Try resaving it again. And if that doesn't work, run these commands in the console first then resave: !set pavg0 glas 0 !set pavg1 glas 0
  • jacob1
    22nd Nov 2020
    Deleted some comments. I recommend not engaging with trolls who veer off-topic when called out for hate. Just report it instead (which one user did, thanks!), and a mod will clean up after them.
  • SpikeViper
    20th Nov 2020
    @tonimark I know I will never attain the inhuman engineering skill you have attained, but I'm doing this for fun, as it is a game.
  • tonimark
    20th Nov 2020
    is this a joke ? windscreen breaks after a while ?! while such a low engineering level , i can remake your whole saves in a week , they have poor engineering level
  • Dovydas
    20th Nov 2020
    hi spike l
  • CCl2F2
    20th Nov 2020
    To prevent glass from breaking
  • CCl2F2
    20th Nov 2020
    You can always reopen save PAUSED and then press "="
  • Bigboomstuff
    20th Nov 2020
    I remade the electrolysis machine and installed it and cleaned up the save a bit in id: 2612334