I like cities. They are cool. I also just redid the bridge so it look better. Thanks for 2K views! Oh also, using deco might help. Also, sorry for the late announcement but happy 2021!
dont call your creations stupid. its better than what i can do and is #1 here. great job! :)
I am simply a critic here to benefit and educate others.
It is okay. I never lecture, only inform. we have all made this common mistake, I was just informing you.
dang i should think about naming of my saves
A wise albert einstein once said, everything is relative. which is true, life is about perspective in term of memories. if you have bad memories from something you remember it badly since it sticks out like a sore thumb, if you think that your cities are quote-on-quote. "Stupid." then you will begin to believe it is stupid and lose morale. in conclusion, if you keep saying it's stupid. you will believe it's stupid. if you have hope. you can make great things happen.
those are some facts up there ngl thats wise
but dont block people from criticising you. criticism should be taken with full gratitude and understanding. it should be used to help grow, not insult.
never claim one of your very own creations to be, "stupid" you should take pride in every creation you make, even if it looks bad in your perspective. of course, there is always room for improvement. but you should never call something you made stupid. that word is reserved for acts of stupidity. not creations.