This is The Erebus Orbital Guardian. Each Promethean world has at least 3 EOGs present to defend the planet and surrounding space. NO COPY!
Nice. .
I should mention that the Erebus is measured at about the same size as that jungle moon in this save, but they were built at different scales.
Yes, it isn't meant to be larger than most planets. They orbit planets, usually 3 at once. They are thus places far enough away and spaced equally so no major gravitational anomalies occur, though this can also be used to alter solar orbits and trajectories.
I think that's the point, considering that it is meant to orbit planets owned by his faction.
Very nice +1 Why'd you turn off the air simulation: it makes it all the more spectacular (puff, the planet's gone). Also, Earth has a radius of 6370 km, so any other habitable planet would likely be larger than the Erebus.
love the ammo idea! +1
WOW! +1
The old Erebus is removed from canon, as it was just a hasty placeholder for the real thing, which is now depicted here.
Yes, the wifi was added after, because too many people couldn't figure out the trigger. l o l
@MrPineapple good point