The most common ship you would meet in the Antares Navy. It is mostly going to battles with a formation and escorts, but it is capable of taking out destroyers and possibly cruisers. Uses temperature regulating modules and layered armor.
Thanks Master Seekez!
i Like the thing when my little pew pew BM-13 rip the ship half in 15 salvo, and destroy it in 20 salvo
Nice job! +1. You recently advised me to use layered armor and cooling systems on my spaceships because my ships are easily destroyed. Actually, that was kind of the goal for them to be very destroyable. But your ship gives me the inspiration to maybe apply those things you've suggested! I love it so much that others are continuing the spaceship design i created what a great community :)
SPRK it once and it basically implodes
to every one asking where deco is not every save needs deco
plutoniumfusion: but war is bad tho
no deco but still good +1
Antares = anti-ares = I hate god of war = why do you hate him so much :c
embr gun pog +1
where is deco ?