Well an idea that came into mind...tried my best to simulate one of the most dangerous natural calamities...Comments and suggestions are very welcome. Update: Modified the scenary.
3 days after the japan earthquake
hosting a thing.. id:2664004 also please dont get mad ;-;
and it looks more good with persistent display
oh yeah and @powderpropower you do a good work with the SUN, it looks insane!
@harrygamer dont have any TPT save... so you cant say that THIS is a bad work if you dont even do anything. @terraria2013 have a good point too
To all the people who downvoted this, what were you expecting? 1:1 true to reality physics simulations? From TPT? And to @harrygamer, you've been told what it is, so read the title, and go bugger off back to being the lonely basement dwelling leach your parents see you as but you're too dense in the skull to realize.
if the comment is too short you should rethink if it's actually useful
harrygamer: Not provided
@harrygamer shut up u havent even done anything