23rd Feb 2021
23rd Feb 2021
A while ago, I made the first fully destructible fusion reactor. But it was powered by uranium, and I wanted one using pure fusion power. So here we are.
love how fusion reactors are on the rise in tpt, we're entering a new era!
Also question. How do you keep the heat efficancy up? Iv done tests and by adding in hydrogen with the cursor it can sustain fusion for a while but it eventuly cools off even though the only thing that can cool it is the defult temp hydrogen im adding.
Nice job. +1 im working on my own fusion reactor thats also destroyable. Its the old type of fusion reactor. one with a ring to hold the fusion but this is a realy damn cool type of fusion reactor. looks like it also doubles as a rocket engine.
that is perfect
Thanks :)
So good...
Fusion reactors also need a tight balance of heat and pressure, which the one material I can think of that might be considered destructible, HEAC, is definitely too good of a conductor to work well.
The main problem is you can't shut it down without breaking it (as the PSTS breaks at low pressure). It might be possible to make a reactor without it, but with low temps at one side, high temps at the other, and very high pressure throughout, I can't think of another 'destructible' material that has the properties required.
While this reactor is by no means perfect, it is the first fully destructible pure fusion reactor (that I know of). At the nozzle, you can use the exhaust products for heat, combustion, or electricity from stray electrons, and the entire thing can be considered a fusion engine.