Building bombs is cool, but stopping them is cool too. I initially built it to stop my virus bomb, but I could upgrade it to stop more bombs. Update: added cold flame to prevent vibranium from exploding, and added cooling system
a good way to block lightning is void.
PeacefulTRex1324 I'll try it tomorrow, for now I already updated 3 time in half an hour, I don't want to spam
Fairly good, but still breakable. The challenge would be to make a stronger wall that is still thinner. Try layering, it helps.
all my bombs break this, if you want an actual indestructable wall, look at kyyay's "wall of hatred"
also, id:2683707 eventuall breaks through, it just takes a bit. I would reccomend moving the vibranium up more, so that it doesn't explode the rest of the wall
this was remarkably easy to drill through with a fusion cannon
slayerthevooperian Ligh is a little bit cheaty, I don't think it's possible to stop it. By don't cheat, I mean using elements that can be stopped by one way or an other
I destroyed it with a buncha strong bombs
because if they aren't ID:2691477.
is a auzre bomb cheaty?