A fun little project that helped me stay awake on a particularly boring uni lecture. 20230826: Added a resettable decimal counter.
Yeah that is bad terminology. There's nothing decimal about turning a number into an address. Those are called addressers, demultiplexers or selectors.
Also as seen here ID:2431035
In my save I use something similar (sorry for not labeling what they do, there isn't space in mine.) (i'm making saves about each module that explain how they work.)
As seen here --> ID:2005516
It's like in NoVIcE's save "Microelectronics"
A BIN>DEC address is a way to address a row of memory in a RAM module through giving a Binary number which is then converted into a decimal.
What is a bin>dec address?
@LBPHacker, Oh I see. I was talking about my BIN>DEC modules in my "here" save. 2 of the 4 RAM modules I used have BIN>DEC Addresses on them. On those modules, you have to use SPRK as the input, just like with old-school logic gates, and the output they give is a SPRK px on any position top to bottom in Decimal. The input is in Binary fron left to right. IDK what double dabble is. I'll look it up.
As for the z# tags, they are my invention and they prevent the addition of actual spam tags. In my opinion, letting random people add tags is a huge mistake, and when I get pissed at stupid tags, I disable the feature on my saves.
I'm assuming you're already using double dabble. If you're not, look it up. If you are, there isn't any real advice I can give you other than to try to make your adders smaller or to multiplex fewer of them over time, at the cost of latency.