Credit to coffee for the map. Fradsman for the borders. Discord is optional. To join, comment like this: "I wanna start in [city name] Color: [Color name/RGB]. Name: [Country name]"
I attack sus statue that is in Sussus, Sus
Im gonnae make ships and transport them all over the world and sell them making bombs and sending them all to everyone around the world for money:)
Im gonna make planes and send half of them to puni the other half is goin to eygpt okay thats enoguh for today
Ill train 10k troops and send them to eygpt Cuz i want it ill train 10k more and send them to punikin:)
I made so many typos there
Then im gonna make farms cities and mittarys and factroies Ill export Crops and factroy items for money ill make half of the factroies make important everyday items and the other half guns and stuff ill make mines and start gaining matrieals
I declare war againts pazerkampfwagen
You can say ur first orders
Eyaddorda you're now* in the game