Credit to coffee for the map. Fradsman for the borders. Discord is optional. To join, comment like this: "I wanna start in [city name] Color: [Color name/RGB]. Name: [Country name]"
ye punikin is right also i have proofs
sealon_musk : you're 8 you told me i have proofs
dutchmanoncrack69: well I know but I had my capital not in russia
@Eyaddorda your nation population isnt that high to be able to train 1000k units
DESTROYER91: nope not really
Today im gonna train More units 100000
lol he forgot that he has scandinavia and other stuff XD
DONT BE A KID SEALON (he is already a kid lol0
Thats it I am leaving this game some dark green guy took my capital and the Antarctic I wanted the first
let me add you...