Puni you legit said yesterday i could take atalantis spot
Eyaddorda ur not even in the game also ur too small u dont have400 000k troops...
10-send troops to help punikin against japan,11-build military bases around cities and in jungles,12-build cities and suround them with walls and defence sysytems,13-expand in africa,14-expand the sea teretory near africa and india. phew finally iam out of ideas for now
1-expand in russia,2-train more troops/assassins,3-make more guns/muskets/swords,4-build factories,5-expand even more in russia,6-make more bombs small/big,7-build more ships,8-harvest all of the resources in turkministan and afghanestan,9-start trading with atlantis and the anarchist commune resources and other stuff
Ill send 5 planes loaded with 10 bombs each
I declare war againts seal empire i send 40000k troops with muskets