Located in a Mountainous region of Kala. Kala's Wrath is a spaceport and research center of the outer system of Dhumavati. Kala orbits around a gas giant named Apollo. will add more wings to the facility.
It's interesting to consider the scales of these celestual bodies, isn't it. KW looks quite a distant orbit around Apollo but Dhumavati looks relatively close, if the scale of our solar system is anything to go by.
I'm considering changing the apperance of Apollo (the gas giant in the background). to look more like uranus. may release a concept save to see if people are ok with it.
awesome +1
may make anothor to complument this.
There are more systems to produce water, also added a pipeline from anthor settlement for hydrogen, oil, and boyle.
fire snow lol +1
some of the hydrogen ice should be liquid or gasous RN.
If we assume that the rules of physics are constant, er, universally then it does kinda limit the rules of planetry formation somewhat, but who knows!
In a univserse this big (from what we see now) there maybe many planets or moons with a hydrogen ice covered surface. we don't know conclusively yet.
Well a planet with a rocky mineral crust carved out by hydrogen glaciers must be a fairly rare occurance but not impossible I guess!