dude.... wat? is that in english? heh...
I tried to do a 3-way junction with 2 PSCN and a METL, with a NTCT as the center. It seems to work best with Heat Simulation off.
OniLink, there are ways to make Diodes, but no way to make Anodes, and the electron flow is sketchy or absent, so a true Junction Transistor is pretty impossible. I have never tried this, but tell me if you get it to work.It probably won't for reasons I've addressed, but here it is: (For simplicity, this is a NPN, and in the same style as the pictured diode) Emitter, N Silicon, NTCT, P Silicon (with a base emitter also for a second current), PTCT, N silicon, Collector.
Would you happen to know how to make a NPN BJT?