355 / 133
17th Jul 2010
17th Jul 2010
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diode you-cant-copyright-air learning semiconductors learn introduction realistic


  • craZchick
    29th Dec 2010
    dude.... wat? is that in english? heh...
  • OniLink--
    11th Aug 2010
    I tried to do a 3-way junction with 2 PSCN and a METL, with a NTCT as the center. It seems to work best with Heat Simulation off.
  • badsqueaker
    31st Jul 2010
    OniLink, there are ways to make Diodes, but no way to make Anodes, and the electron flow is sketchy or absent, so a true Junction Transistor is pretty impossible. I have never tried this, but tell me if you get it to work.It probably won't for reasons I've addressed, but here it is: (For simplicity, this is a NPN, and in the same style as the pictured diode) Emitter, N Silicon, NTCT, P Silicon (with a base emitter also for a second current), PTCT, N silicon, Collector.
  • OniLink--
    30th Jul 2010
    Would you happen to know how to make a NPN BJT?