LIFE LESSON: NEVER type when the hand is asleep. it'll look bad and also that'll make ur hand hurt
Ya know, it'll be funny if people open the save and get little singsplosions then a litteral thunderstorm. my hand is asleep so sorry if there is bad spelling
this bomb is actually really close to the zaelon's level of strength, you dont see these kinds of bombs, good job on this one too man.
Good job on the zaelon bro
woah PEXY!? THANK YOU SO MUCH! wow i gotta chill
FUN FACT 3: The bomb is only 10 by 10 meters in size yet in 3 minutes the fireball size is the same size as Venus and the shockwave ruptures the solar system and knocks all nearby planets out of orbit.
ngl, really good bomb, +1
ANOTHER FUN FACT This bomb has Hexaaupe's flag in the middle
FUN FACT: This bomb has the effect of hexal event except x100000