13 / 1
27th Sep 2021
6th Sep 2023
This nuke uses inert materials like ceramic to contain and support the initial stages of the fusion process. It isn't meant as a super destructive bomb but as an ongoing experiment in controlling the various fusion processes (up to CO2 -> oxygen).
fusion bomb nuke thermonuclear nuclear


  • Misha600
    27th Sep 2021
    +1 Relatively realistic, may even work IRL if the h2 on the outside shell was replaced with Li6 deuteride and the inside deut was replaced with a fission charge.
  • Jerehmia
    27th Sep 2021
    @magnetman33 I'd like to keep it single layered for now. I've made the centre fuse one particle wider so it has a better chance of igniting instantly over its entire length, but I like the mechanism of pressing the HYGN through the hot URAN to heat it to fusion temperature so I'm keeping that in this design. If I switch to a different mechism to start up the fusion I'll design a new bomb around that principle. I sure ike the idea of injecting electrons to do ELEC + NEUT -> HYGN though. :)
  • magnetman33
    27th Sep 2021
    Nice. I have another tip, maybe a bit cheaty, but layering some BCLN(ELEC) under the DEUT gives instant fusion when it ignites. Oh and layering HYGN is an option too, though in my experience it's difficult to keep it from burning before fusing
  • Jerehmia
    27th Sep 2021
    I meant DEUT fuse in my previous post.
  • Jerehmia
    27th Sep 2021
    @K01e Thanks for the tip! It's relatively easy to increase the yield of this design by making it longer and widening the NEUT fuse by one particle if it becomes too long to burn reliably. The design can't easily be made it any wider because the distance between the outermost HYGN and the fuse becomes too large to heat the HYGN fast enough so it runs the risk of burning instead of fusing. This save is the smallest size the design works reliably, I'll publish a 25000 particle version next.
  • K01e
    27th Sep 2021
    This is extremely well made! Deserves fp! My only recomendation is to increase the amount of hydrogen that gets fused during the process, to increase the overall power of the explosion. But even still, this is probably the best conventional fusion bomb I've ever seen on tpt! +1