9th Nov 2021
12th Nov 2021
NO dest, bomb, virus, clones(none),cray,conv,emp,portons,erase tool... if you can tell me how! ambient heat is allowed all other settings don't change (well u can but that's cheating)
R4WLYX good idea, but i used 4 pixels aleardy.
Just use my Black hole azure. id:2814036 (the bomb)
Why can't you add insl to block protons?
the clone rule makes sure some machines can't easily destroy this :D.
also proton passed through this easily
the clone rule I have partiular dislike in. I recommend making a tougher layered material, somthing like PUMP + TTAN + NTCT + CRMC. or even better, a vibr convert alloy!
uh sure!
can i use ambient heat ?
i commented about conv because it could be used to make an drill to pass right tru it
.:D .