13th Nov 2021
6th Mar 2022
If it's wrong, pls tell me Not placed yet:Zeanoral Vexation,Aphrodite Zues,Azure Zululochon. Rules: no bomb dest,must have deco, no troll saves.
@Hecker, rough definition is its a general type of community made bombs, exact definition is its a bomb that uses GBMB to catapult superheated WARP, although modern azure bombs include SNOW(SING), SPRK(LIGH), and other of such deadly elements
hmmm.... A work in progress for my soon to come Aradona 7 (Pronounced: R Uh doan a seven). SUPOSSED TO BE STRONGER THEN ZANTRAL WRATH. Can't fit logo because particle limit.
Whats an azure Bomb?
grei if ur seeing this, you are free to re-publish the zentral wrath as NEW strongest azure bomb, it is even strongest than GRVT-based azure bombs that take like 150k particles, i have no words, so honestly, grei genuinely deserves the crown with his outstanding zentral wrath
(lol it takes like a third of the particles of zaelon), so for my most ultimate conclusion, zaelon is 2nd place and zentral wrath is the TRUE, actual strongest azure bomb, well played greiscale, well played.
lastly, zaelon and zentral wrath appear to be the TRUE winners, however im not sure which is stronger, they tie in most destruction-based tests, however zentral wrath takes less than half the particles of zaelon.
lastly, no offense, i dont mean to be mean, but out of the top 5 azure muon is the worst, it takes up the most particles and has around the same performance as COHD MK1/aradona 7, all these 3 bombs are very obviously weaker than zentral wrath and zaelon, i even tested on my other computer to make sure my tests arent weird or something, and the same results show up
again, i dont know how you test bombs, but from my tests, COHD MK1 is ALSO weaker than zaelon and zentral wrath significantly, so both COHD MK1 and zentral wrath need to be dropped down the list
nvm it doesnt take more particles, but it still is significantly weaker than zaelon and zentral wrath anyways
first of all, aradona 7 is very clearly weaker than both zaelon and zentral wrath, i have no idea how it ranked higher, it takes more particles than zaelon OR zentral wrath and doesnt beat them in any test, so i would drop it down the list by a lot for sure