A FuseBomb pressurized with thunder for a devastating effect focused the blast downward to maximum destruction (Watch how in the end all lava lifts off and lands down all on the same spot its all because of the extreme pressure of thunder)
then tell me the original save of the bomb oh yeah thats mine good that you checked it before commenting ^^
rofl alot thx for fun comments xD
copied u just changed the color of the bomb thats why it took 5 mins
lol good for you i made this in 5 min so idc id you think its copied xD
I have seen this bomb somewhere but I dont remember where. It was the exact same bomb
he andere nederlander, hoe de (...) laat je de diamant verdwijnen?
kan je mijn ''netherlands FTW'' logo bij je saves zetten. alle nederlands die dit lezen BTW. vraag ik om dat te doen. gewoon zoeken op ''Netherlands FTW''
my nuetron nuke only sliced the upper part of buildings..
IT dosn't destroy the dimond, he makes the dimond dssapear at the right moment through life
=/ the max pressure i saw was 4,000. i have a bomb that makes 16,000 yet i like the colours