149 / 48
15th Apr 2011
4th Feb 2012
A FuseBomb pressurized with thunder for a devastating effect focused the blast downward to maximum destruction (Watch how in the end all lava lifts off and lands down all on the same spot its all because of the extreme pressure of thunder)
guts explosion bomb turtle werybad gruisman


  • thinkname187
    21st Apr 2011
    it destroys the dimond damn
  • Badlandz
    20th Apr 2011
    nah dude this is much better than any shabby nuke props for the cool twist on destroying a city
  • shroom207
    20th Apr 2011
    My nukes do better than this :)
  • BlueMaus
    20th Apr 2011
    NAPAAALM! no seriously this is awesome
  • gpost
    19th Apr 2011
    Made it smaller - much better! :) The bomb is size as some houses.
  • gruisman
    19th Apr 2011
    new updated ive put in alot of plasma breackable clones this give a nice ion cannon life effect
  • gruisman
    19th Apr 2011
    + it focusses the blast downwards..When the bomb is finished negative pressure ocures and every loose particle will lift up in the air until in the end they almost drop on the same spot
  • gruisman
    19th Apr 2011
    when planting alot of breakable clones you could make a bomb way smaller + it gives nice effects...ive putt the diamond on life of 350 so that when the bomb is finished it would'nt mess up airflow
  • gruisman
    19th Apr 2011
    well this was realy quick i noticed the breakable clones where moving because of the huge pressure of thunder so i figured
  • tothemyers
    18th Apr 2011
    It is on the front page because it has acheived a large amount of votes in a reletivily short time. That is how to get front page.