A FuseBomb pressurized with thunder for a devastating effect focused the blast downward to maximum destruction (Watch how in the end all lava lifts off and lands down all on the same spot its all because of the extreme pressure of thunder)
this shouldn't be on the front page
Hey Gruisman, can you share some insights on how you made it? Thanks!
No idea how this ot front page.
Isn't it a little bit big for that small city?
Gruisman, look 287580 ("Re: Pressure FuseBomb") :)
Get rid of all the fuse and replace it with bomb for great power
I think I know what happened to the dinosaurs....
yup Nathanle i made an animation with this.
lol, at the end the lava makes a >:3 face
the dmnd didnt break, it has a life value of 255 that was set through the console. thats why the dmnd vanishes