Andromeda continues to be cute! If you booped her nose and gave her belly rubs, then how about some hugs? Update: slight ear improvements
but, Railgun48 is quite prejudiced!
I have to admit, there is a sector of pretty frightening examples of various human fetishes. But that's only a relatively small fraction of furry art.
I mean, not scary to me, but seeing rule 34 of furries is enough to make me punch through a concrete wall.
Yes, but fear of anything alien is still living in humans.
lol, it's all not real, it's the same reason I don't fear finding a ghost in the closet
The answer is simple. They're just afraid. It's primitive xenophobia.
"seeing shadows in the light" means being doubtful on something
Why do people keep hitting the furry community with the "zoophile" label, besides only seeing shadows in the light?
Sorry, I couldn't interpret your last comment.
I mean it's a possibility that another animal can evolve into a humanoid