Andromeda continues to be cute! If you booped her nose and gave her belly rubs, then how about some hugs? Update: slight ear improvements
I hit situations like thse sometimes LOL
furries can exist here, but only if we didn't evolve from primates
even if we are forgotten, we still leave stains into the timeline, and that is enough for me.
7shotsolo: Most of furries hate zoophiles.
Kolinski: It's my save, and he has the right to speak here.
but Railgun48, I may defend furries, but I'm aware of their shadows, but I'm sure that not all furries are zoophiles, if you generalize furries as zoophiles, you are litterally putting a label on milions of potentially new or innocent furries.
7shot you have no right to speak. Go back to being turned into kebab by the drafodons.
To me, religion is just how a collective interprets god, and scientists can sometimes be disillusioned with religion, but who cares?