Do you suggest the different mixtures with y? (ya, yo, yu)
Just do the Filipino way (Pineapple) Spanish: pia | Filipino: pinya
Teneiger10: ng is the last one, i don't know about the others, though.
wait... no ny, ng, kh, gz and gh?
I obviously took inspiration from other scripts. A is a triangle so I put 3 triangles. The D comes from the D in Cyrillic. E and F are just extended versions of themselves. Originally, I and L were the same but were split, and the I kept the original shape, and L switched to something that resembles it. P and R had the same "mashed letters" situation and split, P kept the original shape, R has 2 tails. U is 2 U's stacked on top of each other. TH is just Old English "thorn" revived.
... to take inspiration from