We start useing these plants for lights in homes, we start banging rocks together to make spears and make sparks to light this planet's equivilant of wood on fire
Several villages of mud huts are constructed. You do not have thatch here, but you use a mettalic substitue plant. You discover that this plant can cause sparks of light to emit from it under certain curcumstances. It grows near rocks.
also, we start building thatch and mud huts suspended on the sides of clifs(cus you know, birds)
Ok. You discover three species of edible plants, and a nice tame animal. It lives in valleys, and eats a sort of grass-like thing. It has 8 legs. It's meat is very savory, and goes well with one of the plants you found. What will you call this animal?
Center of the west continent, in a region that i'll call the Conethean Mountians, and first they will establish their civilisation and start domestication of animals and plants
whoa. Well, that's very satisfactory. Where do they start on the map, and what happens in their... empire? in decade one.
I have created my species and posted it in the forum thread
@LuveelVoom That's what I did with a ski duck thing
also no humans that's said in the save (no earth species, although you can base them on earth species but modifiy them)