if im corect,it spreads like the comon cold if killed. throug the air.
i think you should put it in atmospheric confinement.
this is what it made id:2878805
well,its core bio structure strongly rsembles the biostring of the comon cold,but in a much more complex structure.
7shotsolo: well it all started when the A-empiriean scientists started messing with some stuff as a joke but then they made this
yes, can anyone pinpoint the origins of this pestilence? I need to examine all of it's organs, its biological system is similar to a tyranid.
soit has similar efects as e2748b'bioteras?
yes, I mean manipulate an atom down to the smallest unit of it
but yes, the reason that this creature was dangerous was due to the fact that it has an enzyme that allows the uknown genes to take and assimilate biological matter.