its cells are stabil enought to stay intact during ordinary things,but a forcefull atack and it will spread and infect anithing the flieng bacteria reches,leaving no chance of survival and a temporary biohazard that will spread the more often any specimin is harmed.
well,aslong as you dont cut it yes.
is it somewhat of a human then?
Tamsih: so is this thing good to interact with or?
but it has a hig resistance to outside alterations and can alter biomas in its area.
some data is autoclasified by my programing.
its adapting to its suroundings to stop the interferances.
very hig memory capacity,but slow at recaling the data.
higtened,and more resiliant to interferances. iq is altering constantly due to background radiation wich is reducing,but a estimated number is 50 to 300.