ive said the word 'and' 21 times in that whole three paragraphs of tierzoo parody
and so they made it more popular and started new trends and fads ad infinitum until the great ban occured where a giant rock killed off most trends because they were 'too boring' but some bypassed the ban and continued making more trends and ad infinitum again
but then it kept happening over and over again and more complex things were made and some were only fads and died out in a process commonly known as 'extinction' and eventually they found out about the continent map and since they had been stuck in the ocean map for literally their entire life they decided to move to the continent map
SamDWich ye thats sounds bout right
basically some molecules said to each other' hey what if you and i combined and made something new' and then it kept happening and a new trend was started and it was called 'single-cellular organisms' and they could eat and do this thing where they made another one of themselves through a laundry list of instructions called rna and then they decided to keep up the trend and made multi-cellular organisms that were more complex and thus had to be better