credit to superbantom for map and ui, currently accepting new players, starting tech is iron age, to join:coordinates, color, and name, discord:
Animals: you have some animals, see dms, you are breeding them for maximal meat after slaughtering
Government: does this democratic goverment affect you, the ruler, answer in dms
Calendar, as you say, and linking events, as in an almanac, has begun to increase regularity in crop yields
Economy: you have formed a currency called the rair, what is it based on?, salary ect was already implemented
connorhatescorn: Exploration&Expansion: you have sent scouts north and south, and formed an adventures guild to increase their quality and quantity (results in dms)
Orders are Closed!
because it just makes sence and if anyone is going to plan stuff together it just makes it easier
I guess ill also use the calendar made by connorhatescorn
Shrug, Also the education after the parental education is 10 solar cycles
@Kolinski Plagiarism