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12th May 2022
1st Jul 2022
credit to superbantom for map and ui, currently accepting new players, starting tech is iron age, to join:coordinates, color, and name, discord:https://discord.gg/WYnEmfDzN


  • LightningBMW
    22nd May 2022
    Create rope and string from dried grass and lichens and create primitive farms for silk like reeds along lake-sides
  • Vrigorix
    21st May 2022
    Education: Create a system where have young adults learn from elders, and these adults relay these teachings in weekly seations.
  • Vrigorix
    21st May 2022
    Government: Use the King system (if we didnt have that before), and elect the king's Personal friends or family members to be a sort of a counsel, where they would all decide on changes.Agriculture: Make large farms of about 100m^2 in area along rivers or ponds. Tame creatures that are around the size of horses for riding, transport, scouting, and wagon pulling. We will also use these creatures as food when they are of old age, or are unable to continue working.
  • Vrigorix
    21st May 2022
    Firstly: Start upgrading our infrasructure, use Triangular, hard wooden frames. Lay stones along paths for better visabiliy. Make special houses for the elderly or sick where they would be tended to and not interfere with development.
  • AntigrainWarhead
    21st May 2022
    Agriculture:Begin documenting growing seasons of certain crops on our calendar to maximize harvest yield during the Solar Cycle, also begin using copper shovels to dig irrigation to expand our crop lands
  • AntigrainWarhead
    21st May 2022
    Animals:Begin taming any Cow/Ox-like animals we find so we can use them till the fields and also use them as sources of meat when they get unfertile/too weak to till the crops, and also selectively breed them to maximize the meat we get when we kill them
  • AntigrainWarhead
    21st May 2022
    Government:Set up an actual Democratic Government with elections every five Solar Cycle to replace the: "old = smart = make them leader" system we currently have
  • AntigrainWarhead
    21st May 2022
    ok i now that the text will make you have a stroke but its important okay
  • AntigrainWarhead
    21st May 2022
    Calendar:Set up a basic calendar with 3 Solar measurements: 1 Solar Cycle = 1 Full Orbit around the star Eranidos currently Orbits 1 Lunar Cycle = 1 Orbit of the Biggest Moon that Orbits Eranidos 1 Day = The time it takes Eranidos to rotate 360 Degrees around its Axis I will use this calendar to time special Events such as: Democratic Elections and growing seasons for Crops
  • AntigrainWarhead
    21st May 2022
    Economy:Set up a Universal Currency called the "Rair" (pronounced Rare) to stop the horribly inefficient bartering that we have right now, and yes we will set up a Salary and Job system so that people will be more motivated to do work