After seeing how this nuke destroyed the Hevorx++ alloy, I felt comfortable enough to release this to the public. Have fun with the destruction, even if it doesn't destroy everything!!
for heat you might want to add bcln (deut).
that sould also help your destruction alot as well.
yes, for the warp test try adding lots of high life warp and you need more gbmb to get that warp to move more.
do you know how i could improve?
after checking your tests, it seems my bomb is slightly below average
would that mean i would get accepted into ELD? I really want to get in.
Beacon11478 i have made a system for finding stats on azurebombs. So, i decided to run yours through. The stats are speed=2.7 destruction=4 heat=4.2 warp=4 total=14.9 great bombs have a total of 7-8 average 11-14. Your best stat is speed which was crazy quick.
i'll compress exot, and then add it to the bomb. thanks for the suggestion, kreeeprr!
the actual amount of warp shot at the beginning is around 4000, then it drops, but i see your point. I'm guessing i should add more exot then?
this azure needs alot more warp. on average the warp output of this bomb is about 2000p which is okay at first, but within a couple frames it drops to 1000p-500p making it useless against bizr.