The smaller version of Tokamak MkI, but its power output is still very high.
vibr substrates heat and produce electricity. To prevent vibr explode, I use cflm with its life locked by lsns, so the cflm won't disappear.
ok but how ur turbine works
I (may) try to bulid a reactor in MkIII which can fuse H2 to O2, with mostly destructable things. You know that it's hard to make, so there is a possibility that I won't make it.
but i want do good turbine not just temp sensor
i made deuterium fussion reactor
how does turbine work
This is the coolest heat exchanger I've seen. (no pun int.)
Great work but it appears that a lot of potential heat energy is being wasted and removed by cooling. Hopefully MkIII will be more fuel-efficient.
how turbine generates energy
The central pump produce a pressure a little bit lower than 256, so it can help limit the plasma.