Thanks for ae and ArseniyPlotnikov2k6 for helping. This took 2 WEEKS to make so i hope you like it :) If you stop the reactor the lithium batteries may run out of charge, if that happens turn on aux grid. COMPLETELY DESTRUCTIBLE!!!
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but after titanium i use cermaic again or quartz because quartz is not enough to dont give titanium meltdown so chances of pressure release are high and because of this i use deuterium for get hot neutrons and pressure and after electrons that turn neutrons into hydrogen and fusion
not layered cermaic gets higher melting point under pressure quartz has less heat conduction instead of insl because it burns and titanium as pressure blocker and after titanium insl finaly
yes epic reactor i like reactors +1
layered mats i think
username90000 what is that?
beter use ceramic quartz titanium insl instead of this
update: made it so its harder for it to just spontaneously combust
also it's hilarious when the stickman sees the emergency light come on and is like "hmm I wonder what the problem is?" like the giant pile of molten brmt doesn't exist
block the oxyg/co2 pipe with something and the reactor melts down. (ofc but it only takes 1 px).