not ready reactor uses photon source that turns into electron because of bizare core and neutron laser that makes deuterium turn into neutrons this all creates fusion reactor
nukzhy: i shall downvote everything yodu have nukzhy after i downvoted his saves: stop disliking me because i am toxic and i hate low effort saves
u started disliking me first i liked ur funni save with nuclear jet engine and u disliked mine now i will dislike ur
now stop disliking because stne and uran from plut fission meant that it wasnt 100% efficient
you went disliking like this first not toxic
yo taxic
ehh not really but maybe next time be less toxic and not so stoopid
i shall downvote everything yodu have
stoopid cannot even understand powder to products on fission if uran and stne is the only thing left then everything went thru fission
i will try fix noble gas sparking at plasma turbine
wait its on fp lol