5 / 1
30th Oct 2022
1st Nov 2022
even faster computers olny con need to wrote code with hand carefully


  • LogikMacherDE
    20th Mar 2023
    thats what ROM does bruh
  • RadioactivMan
    4th Nov 2022
    oh ok good to know but 1.This is meaby is old ROM type but its used to access instructions per reader 2. this is for multi instructions 3. some told me that already 4. check out my mini flint reader and bye
    4th Nov 2022
    RadioactivMan: It's unfortunately not RAM. RAM can be written to and accessed in any random order. ROM on the other hand can only be read from and doesn't have to be randomly addressable. Your memory can not be written to but can be accessed in random order if you use a multiplexer, this however does not make it RAM. It's a decent but slightly outdated type of ROM for the powder toy standards.
  • RadioactivMan
    3rd Nov 2022
    ok so why is ram in irl pc the most common ram
  • RadioactivMan
    2nd Nov 2022
    also check out my 1024 byte HDD also i have 512byte version of it to but not public
  • RadioactivMan
    2nd Nov 2022
    poor ROM :^C ARE u Sirius this is RAM R A M not ROM 2. This is my type of ram it stores +100 instructions
  • RadioactivMan
    2nd Nov 2022
    i know but This is in realty its HDD
  • Bluefox
    2nd Nov 2022
    i don't want to offend you, but even a simple [metl aray + pscn aray + inwr] ROM is much more compact and better in all ways
  • Bluefox
    2nd Nov 2022
    this is neither RAM nor a programmer (wth?). this is a very poorly designed ROM.
  • RadioactivMan
    2nd Nov 2022
    i btw dont like flint ram due its wierd but i like the ceramic and coal ram more