i commented that before the comments loaded sorry xD
This works until water equalization is enabled, TPT is build in this way to be playable on low resources devices.
While it has been stated that there is a more realistic option, this can be considered more realistic in some scenarios if it was to represent a liquid with a much higher surface tension (although gel is likely better for that). But yea, TPT is a unrealistic game in many respects, like deut multiplying neutrons instead of just being a moderator, but it also can demonstrate very accurate fluid dynamics.
Turns on water equilization. Breaks. :)
there is a setting to make it more realistic
hmmmm not only watr lava acid snd more do this too
funny how you make fun of tpt having more realistic water behaviour option disabled because its not that useful and tanks the fps at high amount of water particles
FYI there IS an option to make water act more realistic, although its more perfomance heavy