I bet 16 USA's you can't break it.(Bombs only)
PRO_KG6100: 1. It isn't a bomb, but it destroys your save in 5 seconds, not 5 minutes. 2. "WHAHAT THIisSSS SDAVE DesTRYO ME sAVE iN 5 SEC!!!!?!!?!/12/212/1 It iS WOrstr sAVr Evert!!!1!!"
Tesseractant: and your "ErASer oF WoRlds" is the worst save of all time.
Tesseractant:5 Minutes and it's still there AND It isn't a bomb!
Tesseractant: Bombs only
got rid of everything not a spec left with my "eraser of worlds" check it out:id:3001871
TeslaThePlasmaUser: doesn't count if something is left.
all that's left is mercury
yes. lots of it.
TeslaThePlasmaUser:singality snow?
I killed it with snow.....