Added Some Copoments in more than 1 category like the light bulb in heat affected and display
I wonder, how accurate are the transistors? Would it be possible to make an opamp, and then an oscillator, with these components? Would be kinda interesting.
meaby I would get glasses I can't even read properly I do actually needed them sense I was 7 years old bc I actually have 98% vision but it sounds little but it's bad
now 3 bro
@BlueLobsterTPT the max saves i got on FP at the same time is 2
can i copy the idea from the 7-segment display? i'll give credit of-course
its a very good idea! also congrats on getting FP!
Wow, this concept is amazing, deserves FP. +1
and back.... I'm confused is it now on FP or not?????
why is it gone?
3rd FP at the same time bro what is that luck