14 / 0
14th Apr 2023
16th Apr 2023
ctype of DATA is sent out of the dmux when SND is sparked. the output position is dictated by the ctype of ADD. 16 possible out positions. the MUX saves 16 values in DATA, and sends only one when SND is sparked, dictated by the ctype ADD.
electronics showcase multiplexer dmux demultiplexer binary filt aray


    15th Apr 2023
    tptQuantification: You could take a look at subframe adders and just copy the algorithm I guess.
  • tptQuantification
    15th Apr 2023
    not *no* idea, but recursion filt brain hurty
  • tptQuantification
    15th Apr 2023
    btw I'm looking for some help making a filt-aray adder, I have no idea what i'm doing and i wanna keep it non-subframe
  • tptQuantification
    15th Apr 2023
    this one has a binary number 0-15, and 16 variables.
  • tptQuantification
    15th Apr 2023
    so say a=54 b=44 c=34 d=12, and 1 refers to a, 2 refers to b, 3 refers to c, and 4 refers to d. You input 3, you get out 34.
  • tptQuantification
    15th Apr 2023
    JonaHungary it's basically a thing that selects what set of data goes through. Say you have 4 variables, a b c d, and a number 1-4. A multiplexer basically numbers those variables 1=a,2=b,3=c,4=d. So you can Input a number 1-4, and you'll get variables a-d.
  • JonaHungary
    15th Apr 2023
    out of all the electronics i have no idea what a multiplexer is
  • micque
    14th Apr 2023
    very nice! +1!
  • tptQuantification
    14th Apr 2023
    Im vERY confident this could be shrank or done better. I am just messing around with the one pstn mechanic for right now tho
  • tptQuantification
    14th Apr 2023
    utter nonsense