123dutchplayer: There are a few ways, but the most straightforward is subframe CRAY. When you make the "solid SPRK", make sure that the order of the particles is: conductor(METL/PSCN), CRAY, CONV(ctype: conductor), CONV(ctype: SPRK) or BTRY. The order is like reading, so left to right and top to bottom.
how do I make PHOT lasers?
kit237: STOR is a transparent particle and can be stacked over something to let BRAY through, like DTEC.
yes, but what does the stor do in the subframe?
Waterbottle123: Okay I guess, though break just ended, so I'm in denial about school starting up again...
kit237: CONV could set a nearby conductor to be changed to, for example, PSCN to then power a DRAY. LSNS can serialise or deserialise life onto a nearby particle. The particles just do what they normally do and combining these functions can make for complicated circuits.
How do lsns, stor and conv work in such schemes? I would figure it out myself, but I dont understand what they do in such schemes
kit237: Unfortunately, I don't have the time to study the way those work. I recommend you try to make a simpler circuit with a stack first, like an incrementor. Just take the normal steps an incrementor goes through and try to fit them in a single pixel using the properties of particles like LSNS, STORE, CONV, etc.